The Rose Hill Diaries


Filtering by Tag: Episode Five

Season Two, Episode Five - "Acknowledge The Corn"

Zed stumbles into a controversy far older than he is. Can he help settle it, or is it too little, too late?

This episode was written and directed by James Weippert, with additional story work by Anket Kohli.

The character of Zed was voiced by James Weippert.

The character of Dr. Isaac was voiced by Michael Bradley.

The character of Zachary was voiced by Christopher Trindade.

The character of Harrison was voiced by Mike Themistocleous.

The Rose Hill Diaries theme was composed and performed by Mike Themistocleous.

Check out the show online at, at, or on twitter and Instagram at @RoseHillPodcast.

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Episode Five - "Into the Depths"

In search of a shortcut, Zed heads into a mausoleum set deep in the cemetery.  But who else is in there waiting for him?  How will Zed fair when he's going it alone...underground?

This episode was written by Jaime Poland and James Weippert.

The character of Zed Stone was voiced by James Weippert, and the character of Cora Young was voiced by Lindsay Horgan.

The Rose Hill Diaries theme was composed by Mike Themistocleous.

The Rose Hill Diaries can be found online at, and on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, just search for @RoseHillPodcast, and can be supported at

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