The Rose Hill Diaries


Filtering by Tag: Episode One

Season Two, Episode One: "We'll All Be Dead Soon"

Zed stumbles around in the basement of Rose Hill, and is surprised by what he finds...but not necessarily what he sees.

The Rose Hill Diaries is created and produced by James Weippert.

This episode was written by James Weippert.

Zed Stone was voiced by James Weippert, the Patient was voiced by Harley Yeager, and additional voices were provided by Rachael Feldman and Kylie Woodlock. The Rose Hill Diaries theme was composed and performed by Mike Themistocleous.

You can find the show online at, on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram under the username @RoseHillPodcast, as well as support the show on Patreon at

Episode One - "Welcome"

Welcome to the world of The Rose Hill Diaries.   Here you will meet your narrator, Zedediah Stone, as he begins his exploration of the Rose Hill Asylum for the Mentally Insane. Not everything is what it seems, and not everyone is to be trusted...

This episode of The Rose Hill Diaries was written by James Weippert and Jaime Poland.  

Zedediah Stone - James Weippert
Mary Worthington - Evelyn Dumont
Creature - Scott Pero

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